05 August 2024
The Shape of our Thoughts
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"By shaping our thoughts with spiritual ideals, we are freed to become who we want to be."
Basic Text, p. 105
Just for Today: I will allow spiritual ideals to shape my thoughts. In that design, I will find the shape of my own Higher Power.

The Shape of Our Thoughts
How Spiritual Ideals Reshape Our Lives
Our thoughts, much like clay in the hands of a sculptor, are constantly being shaped and molded. However, for those of us who have grappled with addiction, our mental and emotional landscapes have often been distorted, warped by the grip of our disease. Addiction doesn’t just alter our actions; it reshapes our very thoughts, molding them into patterns of obsession, denial, and despair. But recovery offers a new sculptor—one that brings spiritual ideals to the forefront, guiding us back to our true selves.
The Distortion of Addiction
When addiction takes hold, it doesn’t merely affect our behavior—it fundamentally reshapes our thought processes. Our minds become consumed by the obsession with substances and the self-deception necessary to continue using. This distortion affects our moods, actions, and the overall shape of our lives. We live in a state of denial, hiding from the truth and isolating ourselves from the world. Our thinking becomes a tangled mess of secrecy, despair, and fear, making it almost impossible to envision a clear path forward.
The Spiritual Restoration
Fortunately, recovery provides a path to restore the original, unspoiled shape of our thoughts. The spiritual ideals inherent in many recovery programs serve as a powerful antidote to the damage caused by addiction. Each principle helps to counteract the distortions that have plagued us. For example:
- Denial is counteracted by admission. Facing the truth of our addiction is the first step toward healing.
- Secretiveness is addressed through honesty, allowing us to open up and build trust with others.
- Isolation is replaced by fellowship, connecting us with a supportive community that understands our struggles.
- Despair is transformed into faith, finding hope and strength in a loving Higher Power.
These spiritual ideals act as a corrective force, realigning our thoughts and actions with a more natural, healthy state of being.
The Natural Condition
What does this "natural condition" look like? It is essentially the state we have always sought for ourselves—a life aligned with our highest dreams and aspirations. In recovery, we find that our thoughts begin to reflect the spiritual ideals we are embracing. The distortion created by addiction starts to fade as we build a new relationship with the Higher Power we’ve come to understand.
As our minds and lives are reshaped by these spiritual principles, we start to see a clearer path forward. We no longer allow addiction to dictate our thoughts. Instead, our lives become a reflection of our recovery and our evolving connection with a Higher Power.
A Daily Commitment
The journey of recovery is ongoing, and so is the process of reshaping our thoughts. Each day presents an opportunity to reinforce the spiritual ideals that guide us. By consciously allowing these ideals to shape our thoughts, we align ourselves with our Higher Power’s vision for our lives.
Just for Today
As we navigate this journey, let us commit to allowing spiritual ideals to shape our thoughts. In doing so, we not only reshape our lives but also find a clearer understanding of our Higher Power. By embracing this daily practice, we can transform the shape of our thoughts and, consequently, the shape of our lives.
In essence, the shape of our thoughts is not fixed but is continually influenced by the principles we hold dear. By letting spiritual ideals guide us, we reclaim our natural condition, moving closer to the life we have always dreamed of.